Award Winning Tax Lawyers in Toronto – Just 4 Lawyers

Just for Lawyers

Consumer Choice Award 2021


Wholesale Legal Services for Lawyers Only

We've got you covered!

How Can We Help You?

We have Helped Hundreds of Individuals
Start Their Businesses


Assist you in Deciding the Best Structure for Your Business.


Help You Find the Right Fit for your New Business.


Guide You and Help You with the Daunting Process of Starting a Business.

Is It Just Advising
on the Structure?

You have done the hard part already, by deciding on what you want your business to do. 

After that we can assist by helping you decide what is the best way to structure your business. Perhaps it through creating a sole proprietorship, or partnership, maybe it is by creating a corporation, or depending on the complexity, multiple corporations. Here at Barrett Tax Law, we can help you find the right fit for your new business.

Not at all, once the structure is decided we can provide a whole host of other services tailored to your needs. Maybe you need an employment agreement, or agency agreement. Maybe you need a shareholder’s agreement, or lease agreement, or even an employee stock option agreement. By understanding your needs, we can help you to make sure that you have the right documents to protect you, and your new business.

Is It Just Advising
on the Structure?

You have done the hard part already, by deciding on what you want your business to do. 

After that we can assist by helping you decide what is the best way to structure your business. Perhaps it through creating a sole proprietorship, or partnership, maybe it is by creating a corporation, or depending on the complexity, multiple corporations. Here at Barrett Tax Law, we can help you find the right fit for your new business.

Not at all, once the structure is decided we can provide a whole host of other services tailored to your needs. Maybe you need an employment agreement, or agency agreement. Maybe you need a shareholder’s agreement, or lease agreement, or even an employee stock option agreement. By understanding your needs, we can help you to make sure that you have the right documents to protect you, and your new business.

Take the First Step in Starting Your First Business.
Call us for Assistance!