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Is Your Client Considering Whether or Not to Incorporate in a Foreign Jurisdiction?

We've got you covered!

How Can We Help You

Incorporating your client’s corporation offshore can provide a whole host of benefits. From potential tax savings, liability protection, to confidentiality, offshore corporations can be set up to suit your client’s needs, often times without even needing to be a resident of the country.

What is Involved?

The first step of incorporating offshore is determining whether or not it is worth it in the first place. Depending on your client’s goals for the corporation, it may or may not be the right fit for them. After deciding whether or not to incorporate, the next step is determining where is best to incorporate. If for instance your client transacts business in the USA, then this decision is easy. If your client transacts business worldwide, then we will work with you to determine the best country to incorporate in and even file the necessary paperwork to create the corporation.

What is Involved?

The first step of incorporating offshore is determining whether or not it is worth it in the first place. Depending on your goals for the corporation, it may or may not be the right fit for you. After deciding whether or not to incorporate, the next step is determining where is best to incorporate. If for instance you transact business in the USA, then this decision is easy. If you transact business worldwide, then we will work with you to determine the best country to incorporate in, and file the necessary paperwork to create the corporation.

Is That It?

We offer numerous additional services from drafting agreements to transfer assets to the new corporation, to determining potential tax consequences from transacting with a non-resident. Every situation is unique with each requiring various types of services. It’s nice to know we are here to help.

How Can We Help You?



Contact us if you need assistance in incorporating your client’s foreign assets.